Visual Intensity 4
Visual Intensity - Issue 4 (1994-05-29)(Dual 4Mat)(Disk 2 of 3).adf
Text File
168 lines
R E P L Y T O T H E W O R L D ' S M O S T O V E R A T E D
{A{5 Now it may well be possible that Nab
wrote that article in VI3 as a very
obscure joke in which case I apologise
for this letter, however if this is
not the case (as I suspect) then I
think a few comments have to be made.
This article is not really a stab at
Nab (I'm a poet and no one even told
me) it's more of a scream of rage at
people like him.
Firstly, how can people sit there
and provide criticism of wrestling?
It's the most fixed thing in the whole
universe, I'm assuming that not even
they can say "Oh no, it really is
happening and they don't plan all
their moves in advance" for this, if
you do think that, then I fear there
is no hope for you. However, if like
the rest of the people in the world
they understand that the only real
skill these 'wrestlers' have is an
amazing ability to overact (sure it
must take some physical effort but not
half as much as they make out) then
you will realise how stupid it is to
say that one wrestler is better than
another. No wrestler gets to the top
of the ladder by his amazing athletic
skill and instead the winners are
{te{A{5obviously chosen before the fight.
You said "how he [sting] beats these
big guys is a complete mystery", if
you must know the reason he beats guys
that should be able to beat the shit
out of him is because he was told to
win about a week before the fight came
up. If this isn't true then how come
the British Bulldog won that fight he
did over here? A bit lucky that, eh
winning the big title just when the
fight was in Britain. I'm sure there
are loads more examples but I never
watch wrestling so I wouldn't know
about them. So, therefore saying "oh
this wrestler is overrated because of
his skill" is a load of bollox because
one bloke could be really athletic and
the other a bag of lard and the
lardarse could still be chosen to win.
Secondly I'd like to point out to
you that you've actually sat there and
watched so much wrestling that you've
memorized the names of these people,
does this not strike you as a bit
pointless. I'll watch anything once
and true I did spend a few weeks
watching the wrestling when we first
got Sky but by the time I realized
that A) these people were the most
pathetic overactors in the world, B)
every fight is the same (if it's one
good bloke and one crap bloke then the
good bloke beats the shit out of him,
and if it's two good blokes then it
will start off even, then one of them
will start to lose and then will
suddenly come back at the end to beat
the other guy) and C) it's bullshit, I
finally decided I never wanted to
watch it again. I mean, when I was
watching it they had this voodoo bloke
on it and he'd come on and perform all
these rubbish rituals and set light to
{te{A{5people's feet and stuff, but by magic.
Now anyone can see this is just shit,
so if you don't believe this how can
the rest of it be taken as true?
Well, that's just my view (and
actually the view of everyone I know
in the whole world, but there you go)
feel free to argue if you want but I
think you'll be laughed off the mag.
I have to admit that quite a lot of
(well some) people watch wrestling
just because they find it
entertaining, like Neighbours for
example, no one thinks Neighbours is
real (it's not real, what do you mean
it's not real?) yet people still watch
it and I can understand someone
watching wrestling for similar
reasons, but watching WWF just because
you think it's real is a bit sad.
{A{6Sparkle speaks (and thou shalt
listen!): Did anyone see Wrestlemania
X? What a load of bollox that was,
there I was waiting patiently for Hulk
Hogan to be announced as one of the
special guest referees and was he? No
he sodding wasn't! Mr Perfect and
Rowdy Roddy Piper. I know these two
are the best but without the Hulk,
Wrestlemania just isn't the same. I
think this is the first Wrestlemania
ever not to have the Hulkster in it.
And did anyone see the banners in the
crowd, a vast majority of them seemed
to have "Ric Flair. - Real world
champion" on them. And he isn't even
in the WWF anymore. Bring back the
Hulk and bring back the Nature boy
'cos a match between them would be the
best ever entertainment on television.
WOO! as Ric would say (Hey he got it
right!) And what is it with Bret the
{te{A{6hitman Hart? He's a tosser! The King
Jerry Lee Lawler forever! Doink the
clown is a good laugh but he was
better when he was a bad guy. Bring
back the Beverly Brothers too! And of
course, L.O.D. and The Ultimate
Warrior! Then maybe people will start
enjoying it again.